24/52 - Beware the Golden Calf

24/52 - Beware the Golden Calf

I’ve previous written a bit on the slippery slope that Germany descended in a mere 12 months from the middle of 1932 to the middle of 1933 — 23/52 - A slippery slope: 12 months in the life of the Nazi Party.

The short-sidedness and self-interest of many current religious and business leaves me speechless. Here are a few quotes from German Church and Business leaders in the 1930s to remind us of the dangers of trying to appease that which would be crazy by all previous standards.

The story doesn’t end well.

Quotes with the help of Claude.ai.

German Church Leaders

  • Ludwig Müller, Reich Bishop: "The teaching of mercy is foreign to the German race and the Führer-state." (1934)

  • Hans Kerrl, Reich Minister for Church Affairs: "There is no contradiction between the ideal National Socialist state and the true Christianity." (1935)

  • Theophil Wurm, Bishop of Württemberg: "We thank God that he has given our people in this time of need the Führer as a 'pious and faithful sovereign,' and we know that he would lead our people into a happy future." (1933)

  • Otto Dibelius, General Superintendent of the Kurmark: "We have learned that it is God's will to place us under the swastika." (1933)

  • Friedrich Wieneke, Protestant pastor: "Christ has come to us through Adolf Hitler." (1933)

  • Hermann Gruner, Protestant pastor: "Hitler is the way of the spirit and the will of God for the German people to enter the Church of Christ." (1933)

  • Joachim Hossenfelder, leader in the German Christian movement: "We want a virile Christianity, not a Christianity of weakness and pity." (1933)

  • Julius Leutheuser, Thuringian German Christian leader: "Christ has come to us through Hitler... Through his honesty, his faith and his idealism, the Redeemer found us." (1933)

  • Siegfried Leffler, Protestant pastor: "In the pitch-black night of church history, Hitler became, as it were, the wonderful transparency for our time, the window of our age, through which light fell on the history of Christianity." (1933)

Buffalo News, Sept 21 1934

German Business Leaders

  • Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, industrialist: "We have the honor to stand before you and to promise that we will use all our powers for the welfare of our nation and our Führer." (1933)

  • Carl Bosch, chairman of IG Farben: "Without the natural and synthetic rubber production of IG Farben, Hitler's war would not have been possible." (later reflection on IG Farben's role)

  • Fritz Thyssen, steel magnate: "I have placed myself at the disposal of Hitler and his movement because I believe in him and his cause." (1933)

  • Albert Vögler, steel industrialist: "The German economy must be made National Socialist." (1933)

  • Emil Kirdorf, coal industry leader: "I am convinced that there is no other man who possesses the trust of the entire nation to such a degree as Adolf Hitler." (1934)

  • Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank: "Give Adolf Hitler's government four years, and you will not recognize Germany." (1933)

  • Friedrich Flick, industrialist: "We are prepared to do everything to help the Führer achieve his lofty goals." (1933)

  • Wilhelm Keppler, economic advisor to Hitler: "The fusion of the state and the economy is the great task of our time." (1934)

  • Karl Haushofer, geopolitician and businessman: "Hitler is the man of genius who will lead Germany to its rightful place in the world." (1933)

  • Kurt Schmitt, insurance executive and later Reich Minister of Economics: "The new Germany needs the cooperation of all its economic leaders." (1933)

The Times, July 14 1934

25/52 - Finding Hope and Peace

25/52 - Finding Hope and Peace

23/52 - A slippery slope: 12 months in the life of the Nazi Party

23/52 - A slippery slope: 12 months in the life of the Nazi Party